Address Numbers On You New Singer Island, Florida Home

Address Numbers On You New Singer Island, Florida Home

So you just purchased your home on Singer Island, Florda which is located on the North East end of Riviera Beach, Florida. Did you check out the address numbers on the house? Are they visible from the street in case emergency vehicles need to locate home? The code Enforcement Division of Riviera Beach, Florida wants to make sure you know the address numbers must be on the home. this applies to businesses also.
•1. The numbers must be visible and easily readable from the street.
•2. The minimum height of each number is 4 inches.
•3. If address numbers are located on the back side of the home, the numbers must face the street or alley.
•4. If you have a fence of any kind, the numbers should be attached to the fence.

In the event of an emergency, this is such a simple thing to help emergency vehicles to find your home more quickly. Make this holiday a happy and “safe” season.

Malinda Montgomery-Realtor

Cell 386-290-0095

One World Realty

1250 North Ocean Drive

Singer Island, Florida 33404

Office 561-845-1300 Fax 561-844-0350

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